Justin White
Senior Software Engineer

Hi, i'm Justin White 👋

Your personal developer.

Hi, my name is Justin White and I'm a senior software engineer. Welcome to my personal website!

profile.jpegThanks for checking out my portfolio! My name is Justin White. I enjoy deadlines, problem solving, and being the “go-to” guy when people need help. I specialize in all things web development, but enjoy various hobbies of game development, Node applications, computer repair, and used to help regularly on the Wordpress forums. I’m very familiar with Microsoft Office software and the Adobe creative suite.

I enjoy contributing to open source projects and applying best practices. I’m always eager to learn new things and can’t rest until I find the answer to a problem and what caused it. I’m the IT person in the family and happily rush to the call to set up a device for my family members or troubleshoot an issue they’re having.

Name:Justin White
Residence:Charleston, IL
Email:[Please enable JavaScript.]
Study:Lake Land College
From:Peoria, IL
Current Employer:Pavlov Media


CloudCarpenter Websites - Freelance Developer

Friend of family owns website business and teaches me HTML/CSS/JS right out of high school while building websites in his proprietary platform.

Heartland Dental - Intern

Instructor noticed I was excelling from my experience with CloudCarpenter and was able to get me my first job in the career path working with Drupal websites.

SuperInterns.com - Intern

Friend from college joined an online internship program and I decided to join as well. Helped out on their website and honed my Wordress skills.

Dimond Bros Insurance - Freelance Developer

Lake Land's Business & Industry department reached out to me on a freelance opportunity developing an LMS in PHP for Dimond Bros Insurance.

Imagine This! Marketing Group - Developer

Instructor was able to find me a full-time job at a marketing agency working with Wordpress, Drupal, and Magento. Additional responsibilities included managing Linux server and email hosting.

Pavlov Media - Lead UI Engineer

Senior role developing single page applications using Angular. Additional responsibilites have included React Native applications, Docker/Ansible/CI scripting, Linux server management, training, and hiring.

Svelte Freelance - Full Stack Developer

Learned about the rising popularity of SvelteKit and partake in freelance opportunities on the Svelte Discord to hone my knowledge with the framework.



Gradutated Charleston High School with high honors. Took college level courses in Photoshop and Microsoft Office.

Started Lake Land College

Associates in IT Programming. Member of Club IT. Was taught PHP, C#, JavaScript, Android development, and computer hardware.


Microsoft certified in database fundamentals.

Full-Time Job

Began full-time position at ITMG and so did not have the required time to complete my associates degree.















A wearer of many hats.

- Anonymous

Not afraid to try anything!

- Anonymous

Fast, efficient, and reliable!

- Anonymous

How can I help?

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